Important Facts

What is the theme of the Conference and the topics that will be discussed?

The theme “Delicate topics – Challenging audiences” covers the following topics:

~ Museum education as a tool for discussing complex issues:
Being a refugee, religious conflicts, poverty, multiple identities, traumatic memories, human rights, health issues, marginalized communities, endangered cultural heritage, natural environment at risk, challenges and threats of the virtual world, etc.

~ Museum education as a vehicle for alternative interpretations:
Shedding light on hidden, unknown or misinterpreted aspects of material and intangible heritage or artistic creation, challenging mainstream interpretations and encouraging new glances on past and present historical events.

~ Catering for the underserved communities and audiences:
Museum education initiatives that ensure accessibility and inclusivity, in the framework of a constantly changing social and cultural landscape. Innovative activities and educational material for historically underserved and marginalized audience groups (the elderly, people with disabilities, the mentally ill, the imprisoned, religious / ethnic or cultural minorities, immigrants, refugees, drug addicts, students requiring particular treatment, etc.).

Where and when is the Conference taking place?

In Athens-Greece, exclusively on site, from 18 to 22 November 2024.
From 18 to 20/11 presentations will be hosted at Benaki Museum - Pireos 138.
Thursday 21/11 is dedicated to interactive educational visits at selected Athens museums.
On Friday 22/11 there is an optional day trip to museums and monuments of Corinthia - Northern Peloponnese (extra charge).

Who can attend this Conference?

The Conference is open to anyone wishing to attend it – ICOM members, Non ICOM members and Students.

However, only ICOM members may make a presentation (Research papers, Thematic papers, Market of ideas, Posters, Organization of Workshops).

How can I participate in the CECA Athens 2024 Conference?

All you have to do is Register via this site (see Home page). You will be asked to fill in and submit the relevant application form for Participants (ICOM members, Non ICOM members and Students).Your registration will be completed after the on line payment of the Conference fee.

How can I submit a presentation proposal?

All you have to do is Register via this site (Home page). You will be asked to fill in and submit the relevant application form for Speakers / Presenters. The Call for Papers will be open until the 15th of June.

Submitted proposals will be examined by the Conference Jury Committee and applicants will be notified respectively, via e-mail, by the 7th of July. In case a proposal is accepted, the candidate speaker / presenter will be asked to confirm his/her participation by
1. filling in and submitting on line the relevant application form for Participants
2. paying the Conference registration fee, the latest on the 31st of August. 

What can I do if my presentation proposal has not been accepted, but I still wish to attend the Conference?

In case your proposal has not been accepted by the Jury Committee, you are more than welcome to join the Conference, as a participant, by filling in and submitting on line the relevant application form for Participants. Your registration will be completed after the on line payment of the Conference fee.

What are the CECA 2024 Conference languages?

Speakers may use any of the ICOM languages – English, French or Spanish.

However, the Conference official languages are Greek and English, therefore bilingual interpretation will be provided during keynote speeches, research / thematic papers, market of ideas and awards presentations - ceremony.

Workshops and educational visits will be held in English.

In this respect, speakers using the French or Spanish language for their presentation, must ensure that all their presentation slides are in English, or with English translation, and that the text included on each slide is as detailed as possible.

Which segments of the Conference will be livestreamed?

The Conference will be held exclusively on site. Part of the presentations might be offered on line or might be recorded and visible on YouTube. This possibility will be confirmed in due time.

How much is the CECA 2024 registration fee?

For ICOM members:

Early bird registration (until the 31st of August) 200€
Late registration 300€
Registration in November 350€

For Non ICOM members

Early bird registration (until the 31st of August) 300€
Late registration 350€
Registration in November 400€

For Students

Early bird registration (until the 31st of August) 120€
Late registration 200€
Registration in November 250€

What is included in the registration fee?

The Conference registration fee includes:

- A welcome reception at the Benaki Museum, at the end of the first day (18/11)
- Coffee breaks and light lunches (18 - 20/11)
- Conference material (bags, information material, publications, etc.)
- Guided tours at museums (apart from the educational visits)
- Other cultural events to be confirmed.

Will there be any Conference excursions?

On Friday 22/11, participants may join the optional day trip to museums and monuments of Corinthia - Northern Peloponnese, with the following extra charge:

Price: 30 €
Price when registering in November: 50 €

The day trip includes bus transport to different sites of Corinthia (Northern Peloponnese), guided tours at museums/monuments and a light lunch.

Will flights and accommodation be covered by the organizers?

As flight tickets and accommodation are not included in the registration fee, presenters and participants will have to cover their expenses and make their own booking arrangements. An indicative list of suggested hotels, nearby the Conference venue, is provided on this site (see Accomodation).

How can I communicate with the Athens Conference Organizing Committee?

For any queries regarding the event, please contact us via <>.

The coordinators will get back to you as quickly as possible on working days.

Are there any guidelines for speakers / presenters?

1. All presenters are expected to attend the full Conference in person. Online presentations cannot be accepted.

2. You may present in any of the ICOM languages – English, French or Spanish. However, the official languages for the Conference are Greek and English, with a bilingual interpretation of presentations. French or Spanish speakers must ensure that their presentation slides are in English, or with English translation, and that the text included on each slide is as detailed as possible.

3. During your presentation you need to
~ provide context for the audience to understand your museum/site
~ respect the allocated time, to ensure the Conference runs smoothly
~ speak slowly, so that international audiences can follow your presentation
~ arrive at least 15 minutes before your presentation's session starts, in order to prepare yourself
~ submit your presentation slides to <>, no later than the 8th of November. Please note, that all presentations have to be sent at the aforementioned date at the latest, so as to give the organization team the possibility to check the technical details. Presentations cannot be uploaded on site at the Conference. For file size larger than 20MB, please save it on Google Drive or use a file sharing platform such as WeTransfer and share the link with us. You retain full copyright over your slides but grant CECA the rights to use these as appropriate on the CECA websites.

4. In case your are presenting a Poster, the guidelines are as follows:
• A1 sized Poster (Dimension: 23.4 x 33.1 inches)
• Speakers will stand by their Posters and share with participants who want to learn more. This is a good opportunity to meet professionals and to share your work in detail with many others in the sector.
• Posters are not essays or academic articles. They should contain a very short text (max. 250 words) highlighting your project's importance and include the following information:
~ Name of the author, institution and e-mail address
~ What the subject is and why it is important
~ How the project was original
~ Results or end products
~ Consequences or follow-up.

• The Poster should also be visually attractive to illustrate the main key points which address the Conference theme. Images or diagrams should be large and attractive enough to promote your work. All pictures should be in excellent resolution for large print.

Attention: Posters have to be printed at home by the presenters themselves and brought to Athens.

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