Tuesday 19 November 2024: Special Interest Group (SIG) Workshop (Workshop Room)

SIG Workshop "Professional Development" (120') (Language:English): Professional development of museum educators: Empowering museum educators. Peer solutions for navigating difficult topics

Wencke Maderbacher
Moesgaard Museum - Denmark
Susan Rowe
Museum of Texas Tech University - United States

We as museum educators often face complex and sensitive topics in our programs, from contemporary controversies to issues affecting marginalized communities. These discussions can unsettle even the most experienced educators, yet they also present valuable learning opportunities. In this highly interactive workshop, we will collaborate to expand our toolkit for addressing difficult topics with confidence and sensitivity. Through peer-to-peer learning and scenario-based activities, we will exchange strategies, share experiences, and co-create solutions that will help us effectively incorporate challenging subjects into our educational tours and programs.

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