Tuesday 19 November 2024: Special Interest Group (SIG) Workshop (Auditorium)

SIG Workshop "Decoloniality"(90') (Language: English / Spanish): Museum education and decolonization – CECA LAC. A silent museum: A space to talk again

Silvana M. Lovay
Interamerican Open University, Buenos Aires - Argentina National University of Cordoba - Argentina National Museum Estancia Jesuítica de Alta Gracia, Cordoba - Argentina
Irene Pomar Marcos
Museo Nacional del Prado - Spain

The museum speaks. It communicates constantly in every one of its spaces, through its collections, exhibitions, signage, information, security, and activities. To engage in a decolonial practice, the first question we ask ourselves in the education and mediation departments is: how can we make the museum be silent? Keeping silent to better listen to the community, to the individuals who, for various reasons, have been excluded and do not feel involved in the museum and its content. Who identifies who this "community" is? Which communities are not feeling welcome? Whose voices does the museum wish to hear? What new perspectives can it learn from? In this workshop, we ask ourselves how we can ensure the Museum becomes a place that remains silent to create a time for genuine listening, a place for dialogue among equals, and shared learning: a space to speak anew, a space to talk again.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

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