Wednesday 20 November 2024: Special Interest Group (SIG) Workshop (Workshop Room)

SIG Workshop "Sensory Mediation" (90'): Sensory mediation. From the transmission of knowledge to the experience of art (Language: French)

Anne Sophie Grassin
MAC VAL - Musée d’art contemporain du Val-de-Marne - France
Lucie Aerts
Musée national de la Marine, Paris - France

For several years now, a new form of inclusive and sensitive mediation has been developing, helping to renew the paradigm of the relationship between the work and the site, by breaking down barriers and diversifying formats. These schemes encourage visitor participation and open up experiential knowledge, while meeting the challenges of universal accessibility to art and heritage. This opening up of cultural mediation to the senses calls into question the ways in which knowledge is transmitted and how heritage collections and assets are understood in general. After a theoretical and global presentation, this workshop will enable everyone to compare the principles of sensitive mediation with their own professional practices, and to play with the words and formats used to approach a work of art.

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