Wednesday 20 November 2024: Workshop (Worskshop Room)

"Sitting with difficult emotions – Exploring difficult conversations with the Care Collection cards" (90') (Language:English)

Mian Tze Kng
National Gallery Singapore - Singapore

Art has the power to evoke different emotions for each of us. The difficult ones can be hard to face, let alone sit with it. It is understandable to see these emotions as negative because we feel our body and mind being hijacked when we are triggered. Many choose to escape, ignore or be distracted. Yet, for the sake of our mental wellness, we must acknowledge and accept these emotions even though they are not welcome. How can an art museum with a deck of conversation starter cards help? The Care Collection Cards by National Gallery Singapore feature 30 artworks by Southeast Asian artists from the National Collection and invite the participants to use the images and reflection prompts to open up conversations that can be challenging to talk about otherwise. The cards were first designed to complement an art and wellness programme for youths, Strength Through Art. It was designed with the school teachers and counsellors in mind to start conversations with the youth under their care. It beckons dedicated time and space for the teacher-facilitator and participants to sidestep from the demand of the usual curriculum to explore, acknowledge and accept difficult emotions that are hard to address during lesson time. This decentralised and accessible tool allows educators and counsellors to easily draw out and use it for check-in or to facilitate deeper conversation with individual or small groups. Looking at the spread of artwork images in front of them, each with a story told through the artists, participants are invited to a space where difficult emotions are not just something to struggle with but powerful ingredients to create the next story along with those artists. The effective utilization of cards to create a conducive environment for participants to navigate challenging emotions hinges on a crucial mindset: curiosity. Thus, the design of these cards serve as catalysts for reflective inquiry, empowering facilitators to leverage the artworks as potent visual stimuli. By embracing curiosity, facilitators can guide participants towards a journey of exploration and discovery, using the art as a springboard for deeper introspection and meaningful engagement.

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